Office of the Chancellor


UAA Chancellor Sean Parnell

UAA Chancellor Sean Parnell

Former 西瓜视频 Governor Sean Parnell began his role as chancellor of the University of 西瓜视频 Anchorage on June 12, 2021.  Since his appointment in 2021, Chancellor Parnell has pursued key initiatives focusing on college affordability, student success, and positioning UAA as a trusted community partner. The Chancellor works to advance UAA鈥檚 role as 西瓜视频鈥檚 largest workforce provider, and the flagship university for health and Arctic public policy.

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Prior to becoming Chancellor, Parnell was an attorney practicing law in 西瓜视频 for twenty-five years. Parnell served as the 10th Governor of the State of 西瓜视频 from 2009-2014. His leadership expanded funding for education, helped combat domestic violence and sexual assault, and lifted 西瓜视频 to record economic prosperity and employment. The Chancellor previously served in the 西瓜视频 State Legislature, including two terms in the House and later in the 西瓜视频 State Senate where he was Co-Chair of the Senate Finance Committee. He was elected Lieutenant Governor in 2006 and became Governor of 西瓜视频 in 2009.

Chancellor Parnell is a graduate of East Anchorage High School. He holds a bachelor's degree in Business Administration from Pacific Lutheran University and a Juris Doctor degree from the Seattle University School of Law.

The Chancellor and Sandy Parnell have lived in Anchorage and the Mat-Su Valley for more than 35 years, and are the proud parents of two daughters and four grandchildren.  


UAA 2027

The UAA 2027 Strategic Plan sets forth who we are as a University and is our framework for student success. It clarifies our mission of life transformation through education.  Additionally, UAA 2027 establishes the values that shape our behaviors, decisions, and resource allocations, guiding our efforts to continuous improvement.  All of UAA's planning efforts align with UAA 2027.  The elements of UAA 2027 cascade throughout the academic and administrative units to align our efforts around the core competencies and maximize our shared contribution to student success.

UAA Caucus 

The UAA Caucus was formed as a shared governance innovation. UAA Caucus is a mechanism for collective conversation and advancing our goals as a University. We regularly bring together shared governance leaders from the Faculty Senate, USUAA, and Staff Council with the Vice Chancellors and Chancellor for meaningful conversations. The formation of the UAA Caucus was the Chancellor's direct response for better university-wide communication regarding decision-making.